Cinco discos recomendados por... Matt Kennedy (Kitchen's Floor)

De vez en cuando incluiré una entrada en la que músicos que admiro (como es el caso de Matt Kennedy, el líder de Kitchen's Floor) nos recomendarán cinco discos. El criterio para elegirlos será totalmente personal. Pueden ser discos actuales o antiguos, joyas ocultas ultraunderground o discos mainstream conocidos por todos. Como la razón de ser de este blog es poner luz sobre discos o grupos que merecerían mayor atención, he pensado que otros músicos (o aficionados, gente de tiendas, sellos) nos pueden ayudar.
Matt eligió cinco bandas australianas que le han gustado últimamente. Vamos allá.

1.- Holy Balm "It's You" (2012, RIP Society/Not Not Fun Records)

The debut album from Sydney's premier psychedelic dance band, Holy Balm. 'It's You' only came out recently and I hope that the whole world embraces them as wholeheartedly as I have. The songs are excellent, 80's inspired raging synth driven dance/pop numbers completed by deadpan monotone vocals. This is a fucking cool album in so many ways. They've made some fascinating music videos for these songs too. Get into the balm, mate.

Video for 'Losing Control'
Holy Balm website

2.- Scraps "Classic Shits" (Bedroom Suck Records, 2011)

Scraps is Brisbane's Laura Hill. Classic Shits is a collection of songs she recorded between 2006 and 2009. These songs are incredibly personal, most of them sound like they've been recorded alone in her bedroom. I first saw her perform in 2005 and ever since then Scraps has remained my favourite songwriter in Brisbane. These are world class pop songs, full of personality and intelligence. 'Walking Down The Street' is one of my all time favourite songs, I've never a more perfect melody. These songs are all hits though, and this is an incredible album by an incredible artist.

Scraps bandcamp 
Music video for '1982'

3.- Sewers - CS (2012, Self-Released)

Sewers are a fairly new Brisbane sleaze rock band. They're evil as fuck, and don't doubt that they hate you. The music is incredible - this is rock n roll done right. Their first release is a limited edition cassette EP, featuring hits such as 'Human Spray' and 'Grease My Chain'. It also includes a cover of the Country Teasers song 'Bitches fuck off', which is probably the most appropriate band you could compare Sewers to at this stage.

Sewers Soundcloud
Sewers cassette order page/images

4.- Clag "Pasted Youth" (Chapter Music, 2012)

Clag were a Brisbane band that was active for the most part during the early 1990s. 'Pasted Youth' is a new compilation CD featuring all their studio recordings as well as some live tracks. Clag create perfectly short and innocent pop songs that are catchy as fuck. The first 6 songs are 'Manufacturing Resent', their only 7" release and an incredibly rare record. These songs have become classics in Brisbane - 'Chips & Gravy' or 'Security Man' will usually appear on the stereo of any decent party. Vocalist Bek Moore lives a few streets away from me, and on the few occasions that I've visited her I've been impressed by her passion for music and completely outspoken nature. Clag are one of those bands that you either love or hate, there's no middle ground, but either way there's no denying that they're an important band in Brisbane music history.

CD order page
Video for 'Scum Manor'

5.- The Native Cats "Process Praise" (Ride The Snake/Rough Skies Records, 2011)

"Process Praise" is the highly superior follow-up to the 2010 debut album "Always On". The Native Cats are a brilliant 2 piece from Hobart, Tasmania. Bassist Julian Teakle is something of a living legend known for his endeavours from the 1990s onwards (most notably The Frustrations). Vocal and keyboard duties are performed by Peter Escott who when not performing music, is a successful stand up comedian. The music that the pair create is simple and sparse. Escott's vocals are half sung / half spoken, his lyrics are incredibly literate and often quite dark. The standout track on Process Praise is 'Wearing The Killer', a strangely epic song that creeps along with a subtle sense of dread before exploding into an amazing and catchy as fuck chorus/outro/whatever.

  LP order page